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Quick Facts

Workflow Type Applicable Kingdom Last Known Changes Command-line Compatibility Workflow Level
Phylogenetic Construction Bacteria PHB v2.2.0 Yes; some optional features incompatible Set-level


Snippy_Streamline_PHB Workflow Diagram

Snippy_Streamline_PHB Workflow Diagram

The Snippy_Streamline workflow is an all-in-one approach to generating a reference-based phylogenetic tree and associated SNP-distance matrix. The workflow can be run in multiple ways with options for:

  • The reference genome to be provided by the user, or automatically selected using the Centroid task and Assembly_Fetch sub-workflow to find a close reference genome to your dataset
    • Note: If no reference genome is provided, then the user MUST fill in the assembly_fasta field for automatic reference genome selection.
  • The phylogeny to be generated by optionally
    • masking user-specified regions of the genome (providing a bed file to snippy_core_bed)
    • producing either a core or pan-genome phylogeny and SNP-matrix (core_genome; default = true)
    • masking recombination detected by gubbins, or not (use_gubbins; default=true)
    • choosing the nucleotide substitution (by specifying iqtree2_model), or allowing IQ-Tree's ModelFinder to identify the best model for your dataset (default)

Sequencing Data Requirements

Sequencing data used in the Snippy_Streamline workflow must:

  • Be Illumina reads
  • Be generated by unbiased whole genome shotgun sequencing
  • Pass appropriate QC thresholds for the taxa to ensure that the reads represent reasonably complete genomes that are free of contamination from other taxa or cross-contamination of the same taxon.
  • If masking recombination with Gubbins, input data should represent complete genomes from the same strain/lineage (e.g. MLST) that share a recent common ancestor.

Reference Genomes

If reference genomes have multiple contigs, they will not be compatible with using Gubbins to mask recombination in the phylogenetic tree. The automatic selection of a reference genome by the workflow may result in a reference with multiple contigs. In this case, an alternative reference genome should be sought.


To run Snippy_Streamline, either a reference genome must be provided (reference_genome_file), or you must provide assemblies of the samples in your tree so that the workflow can automatically find and download the closest reference genome to your dataset (via assembly_fasta)

Guidance for optional inputs

Several core and optional tasks can be used to generate the Snippy phylogenetic tree, making it highly flexible and suited to a wide range of datasets. You will need to decide which tasks to use depending on the genomes that you are analyzing. Some guidelines for the optional tasks to use for different genome types are provided below.

Default settings (suitable for most bacteria)

The default settings are as follows and are suitable for generating phylogenies for most bacteria

  • core_genome = true (creates core genome phylogeny)
  • use_gubbins = true (recombination masked)
  • nucleotide substitution model will be defined by IQTree's Model Finder
Phylogenies of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex

Phylogenies of MTBC are typically constructed

  • Using the H37Rv reference genome
    • reference_genome_file = gs://theiagen-public-files-rp/terra/theiaprok-files/Mtb_NC_000962.3.fasta
  • Masking repetitive regions of the genome (e.g. PE/PPE genes) that are often misaligned
    • snippy_core_bed = gs://theiagen-public-files/terra/theiaprok-files/Mtb_NC_000962.3.bed
  • Without masking recombination because TB can be considered non-recombinant
    • use_gubbins = false
  • Using the core genome
    • core_genome = true (as default)
Terra Task Name Variable Type Description Default Value Terra Status
snippy_streamline read1 Array[File] The forward read files Required
snippy_streamline read2 Array[File] The reverse read files Required
snippy_streamline samplenames Array[String] The names of your samples Required
snippy_streamline tree_name String String of your choice to prefix output files Required
centroid cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 1 Optional
centroid disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 50 Optional
centroid docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
centroid memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 4 Optional
snippy_streamline assembly_fasta Array[File] The assembly files for your samples Optional
snippy_streamline reference_genome_file File Reference genome in FASTA or GENBANK format (must be the same reference used in Snippy_Variants workflow); provide this if you want to skip the detection of a suitable reference Optional
ncbi_datasets_download_genome_accession cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 1 Optional
ncbi_datasets_download_genome_accession disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 50 Optional
ncbi_datasets_download_genome_accession docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
ncbi_datasets_download_genome_accession include_gbff3 Boolean When set to true, outputs a gbff3 file (Genbank file) FALSE Optional
ncbi_datasets_download_genome_accession include_gff Boolean When set to true, outputs a gff file (Annotation file) FALSE Optional
ncbi_datasets_download_genome_accession memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 4 Optional
referenceseeker cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 4 Optional
referenceseeker disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 200 Optional
referenceseeker docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
referenceseeker memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 16 Optional
referenceseeker referenceseeker_ani_threshold Float Bidirectional average nucleotide identity to use as a cut off for identifying reference assemblies with ReferenceSeeker; default value set according to 0.95 Optional
referenceseeker referenceseeker_conserved_dna_threshold Float Conserved DNA % to use as a cut off for identifying reference assemblies with ReferenceSeeker; default value set according to 0.69 Optional
referenceseeker referenceseeker_db File Database to use with ReferenceSeeker gs://theiagen-public-files-rp/terra/theiaprok-files/referenceseeker-bacteria-refseq-205.v20210406.tar.gz Optional
snippy_tree_wf call_shared_variants Boolean Activates the shared variants analysis task TRUE Optional
snippy_tree_wf core_genome Boolean When "true", workflow generates core genome phylogeny; when "false", whole genome is used TRUE Optional
snippy_tree_wf data_summary_column_names String A comma-separated list of the column names from the sample-level data table for generating a data summary (presence/absence .csv matrix) Optional
snippy_tree_wf data_summary_terra_project String The billing project for your current workspace. This can be found after the "#workspaces/" section in the workspace's URL Optional
snippy_tree_wf data_summary_terra_table String The name of the sample-level Terra data table that will be used for generating a data summary Optional
snippy_tree_wf data_summary_terra_workspace String The name of the Terra workspace you are in. This can be found at the top of the webpage, or in the URL after the billing project. Optional
snippy_tree_wf gubbins_cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 4 Optional
snippy_tree_wf gubbins_disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
snippy_tree_wf gubbins_docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
snippy_tree_wf gubbins_memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 32 Optional
snippy_tree_wf iqtree2_bootstraps String Number of replicates for (Minimum recommended= 1000) 1000 Optional
snippy_tree_wf iqtree2_cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 4 Optional
snippy_tree_wf iqtree2_disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
snippy_tree_wf iqtree2_docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
snippy_tree_wf iqtree2_memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 32 Optional
snippy_tree_wf iqtree2_model String Nucelotide substitution model to use when generating the final tree with IQTree2. By default, IQtree runs its ModelFinder algorithm to identify the model it thinks best fits your dataset Optional
snippy_tree_wf iqtree2_opts String Additional options to pass to IQTree2 Optional
snippy_tree_wf midpoint_root_tree Boolean A True/False option that determines whether the tree used in the SNP matrix re-ordering task should be re-rooted or not. Options: true of false TRUE Optional
snippy_tree_wf phandango_coloring Boolean Boolean variable that tells the data summary task and the reorder matrix task to include a suffix that enables consistent coloring on Phandango; by default, this suffix is not added. To add this suffix set this variable to true. FALSE Optional
snippy_tree_wf snippy_core_bed File User-provided bed file to mask out regions of the genome when creating multiple sequence alignments Optional
snippy_tree_wf snippy_core_cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 8 Optional
snippy_tree_wf snippy_core_disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
snippy_tree_wf snippy_core_docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
snippy_tree_wf snippy_core_memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 16 Optional
snippy_tree_wf snp_dists_docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
snippy_tree_wf snp_sites_cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 1 Optional
snippy_tree_wf snp_sites_disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
snippy_tree_wf snp_sites_docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
snippy_tree_wf snp_sites_memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 4 Optional
snippy_tree_wf use_gubbins Boolean When "true", workflow removes recombination with gubbins tasks; when "false", gubbins is not used TRUE Optional
snippy_variants_wf base_quality Int Minimum quality for a nucleotide to be used in variant calling 13 Optional
snippy_variants_wf cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 4 Optional
snippy_variants_wf docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
snippy_variants_wf map_qual Int Minimum mapping quality to accept in variant calling Optional
snippy_variants_wf maxsoft Int Number of bases of alignment to soft-clip before discarding the alignment Optional
snippy_variants_wf memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 16 Optional
snippy_variants_wf min_coverage Int Minimum read coverage of a position to identify a mutation 10 Optional
snippy_variants_wf min_frac Float Minimum fraction of bases at a given position to identify a mutation 0.9 Optional
snippy_variants_wf min_quality Int Minimum VCF variant call "quality" 100 Optional
snippy_variants_wf query_gene String Indicate a particular gene of interest Optional
version_capture docker String The Docker container to use for the task "" Optional
version_capture timezone String Set the time zone to get an accurate date of analysis (uses UTC by default) Optional

Workflow Tasks

For automatic reference selection by the workflow (optional):

Centroid (optional)

Centroid selects the most central genome among a list of assemblies by computing pairwise mash distances. In Snippy_Streamline, this centroid assembly is then used to find a closely related reference genome that can be used to generate the tree. In order to use Centroid, should complete the samplenames input.

Centroid Technical Details

Task task_centroid.wdl
Software Source Code
Software Documentation
Assembly_Fetch workflow (optional)

The Assembly_Fetch workflow compares the centroid assembly with the RefSeq database to identify the closest reference and then downloads this assembly in FASTA format, and optionally also in GFF3 and/or GBFF format. The Reference database is for bacteria by default but this can be changed by adjusting the referenceseeker_db input to the appropriate database. See the Assembly_Fetch workflow documentation for more information.

Call-Caching Disabled

If using Snippy_Streamline workflow (which runs the Assembly_Fetch workflow if no reference genome is provided by user) version 1.3.0 or higher, the call-caching feature of Terra has been DISABLED to ensure that the workflow is run from the beginning and data is downloaded fresh. Call-caching will not be enabled, even if the user checks the box ✅ in the Terra workflow interface.

For all cases:

Snippy_Variants workflow

Snippy_Variants aligns reads for each sample against the reference genome. As part of Snippy_Streamline, the only output from this workflow is the snippy_variants_outdir_tarball which is provided in the set-level data table. Please see the full documentation for Snippy_Variants for more information.

Snippy_Tree workflow

A simplified version of Snippy_Tree is used to build the phylogeny in the Snippy_Streamline workflow. The tasks undertaken are exactly the same between both workflows, but the user inputs and outputs have been reduced for clarity and ease. Please see the full documentation for Snippy_Tree for more information.

In Snippy Streamline, the nucleotide substitution model used by gubbins will always be GTR+GAMMA.


Variable Type Description
snippy_centroid_docker String Docker file used for Centroid
snippy_centroid_fasta File FASTA file for the centroid sample
snippy_centroid_mash_tsv File TSV file containing mash distances computed by centroid
snippy_centroid_samplename String Name of the centroid sample
snippy_centroid_version String Centroid version used
snippy_cg_snp_matrix File CSV file of core genome pairwise SNP distances between samples, calculated from the final alignment
snippy_concatenated_variants File The concatenated variants file
snippy_filtered_metadata File TSV recording the columns of the Terra data table that were used in the summarize_data task
snippy_final_alignment File Final alignment (FASTA file) used to generate the tree (either after snippy alignment, gubbins recombination removal, and/or core site selection with SNP-sites)
snippy_final_tree File Final phylogenetic tree produced by Snippy_Streamline
snippy_gubbins_branch_stats File CSV file showing for each branch of the tree
snippy_gubbins_docker String Docker file used for Gubbins
snippy_gubbins_recombination_gff File Recombination statistics in GFF format; these can be viewed in Phandango against the phylogenetic tree
snippy_gubbins_version String Gubbins version used
snippy_iqtree2_docker String Docker file used for IQTree2
snippy_iqtree2_model_used String Nucleotide substitution model used by IQTree2
snippy_iqtree2_version String IQTree2 version used
snippy_msa_snps_summary File CSV file showing for each branch of the tree
snippy_ncbi_datasets_docker String Docker file used for NCBI datasets
snippy_ncbi_datasets_version String NCBI datasets version used
snippy_ref File Reference genome used by Snippy
snippy_ref_metadata_json File Metadata associated with the refence genome used by Snippy, in JSON format
snippy_referenceseeker_database String ReferenceSeeker database used
snippy_referenceseeker_docker String Docker file used for ReferenceSeeker
snippy_referenceseeker_top_hit_ncbi_accession String NCBI Accession for the top it identified by Assembly_Fetch
snippy_referenceseeker_tsv File TSV file of the top hits between the query genome and the Reference Seeker database
snippy_referenceseeker_version String ReferenceSeeker version used
snippy_snp_dists_docker String Docker file used for SNP-dists
snippy_snp_dists_version String SNP-dists version used
snippy_snp_sites_docker String Docker file used for SNP-sites
snippy_snp_sites_version String SNP-sites version used
snippy_streamline_analysis_date String Date of workflow run
snippy_streamline_version String Version of Snippy_Streamline used
snippy_summarized_data File CSV presence/absence matrix generated by the summarize_data task (within Snippy_Tree workflow) from the list of columns provided
snippy_tree_snippy_docker String Docker file used for Snippy in the Snippy_Tree subworkfow
snippy_tree_snippy_version String Version of Snippy_Tree subworkflow used
snippy_variants_outdir_tarball Array[File] A compressed file containing the whole directory of snippy output files. This is used when running Snippy_Tree
snippy_variants_snippy_docker Array[String] Docker file used for Snippy in the Snippy_Variants subworkfow
snippy_variants_snippy_version Array[String] Version of Snippy_Tree subworkflow used
snippy_wg_snp_matrix File CSV file of whole genome pairwise SNP distances between samples, calculated from the final alignment