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Quick Facts

Workflow Type Applicable Kingdom Last Known Changes Command-line Compatibility Workflow Level
Standalone Any Taxa PHB v2.2.1 Yes Sample-level

NCBI Scrub Workflows

NCBI Scrub, also known as the human read removal tool (HRRT), is based on the SRA Taxonomy Analysis Tool that will take as input a FASTQ file, and produce as output a FASTQ file in which all reads identified as potentially of human origin are either removed (default) or masked with 'N'. There are three Kraken2 workflows:

  • NCBI_Scrub_PE is compatible with Illumina paired-end data
  • NCBI_Scrub_SE is compatible with Illumina single-end data


Terra Task Name Variable Type Description Default Value Terra Status Workflow
dehost_pe or dehost_se read1 File Required PE, SE
dehost_pe or dehost_se read2 File Required PE
dehost_pe or dehost_se samplename String Required PE, SE
kraken2 cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 4 Optional PE, SE
kraken2 disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task. Increase this when using large (>30GB kraken2 databases such as the "k2_standard" database) 100 Optional PE, SE
kraken2 docker_image String The Docker container to use for the task Optional PE, SE
kraken2 kraken2_db String The database used to run Kraken2 /kraken2-db Optional PE, SE
kraken2 memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 8 Optional PE, SE
kraken2 read2 File Internal component, do not modify Do not modify, Optional SE
kraken2 target_organism String The organism whose abundance the user wants to check in their reads. This should be a proper taxonomic name recognized by the Kraken database. Optional PE, SE
ncbi_scrub_pe or ncbi_scrub_se cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 4 Optional PE, SE
ncbi_scrub_pe or ncbi_scrub_se disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional PE, SE
ncbi_scrub_pe or docker Int The Docker container to use for the task Optional PE, SE
ncbi_scrub_pe or ncbi_scrub_se memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 8 Optional PE, SE
version_capture docker String The Docker container to use for the task "" Optional PE, SE
version_capture timezone String Set the time zone to get an accurate date of analysis (uses UTC by default) Optional PE, SE

Workflow Tasks

This workflow is composed of two tasks, one to dehost the input reads and another to screen the clean reads with kraken2 and the viral+human database.

ncbi_scrub: human read removal tool

Briefly, the HRRT employs a k-mer database constructed of k-mers from Eukaryota derived from all human RefSeq records and subtracts any k-mers found in non-Eukaryota RefSeq records. The remaining set of k-mers compose the database used to identify human reads by the removal tool.

Tool Name Technical Details

Task task_ncbi_scrub.wdl
Software Source Code HRRT on GitHub
Software Documentation HRRT on NCBI
kraken2: taxonomic profiling

Kraken2 is a bioinformatics tool originally designed for metagenomic applications. It has additionally proven valuable for validating taxonomic assignments and checking contamination of single-species (e.g. bacterial isolate, eukaryotic isolate, viral isolate, etc.) whole genome sequence data.

Kraken2 is run on the set of raw reads, provided as input, as well as the set of clean reads that are resulted from the read_QC_trim workflow


TheiaCoV automatically uses a viral-specific Kraken2 database.

Kraken2 Technical Details

Task task_kraken2.wdl
Software Source Code Kraken2 on GitHub
Software Documentation
Original Publication(s) Improved metagenomic analysis with Kraken 2


Variable Type Description Workflow
kraken_human_dehosted Float Percent of human read data detected using the Kraken2 software after host removal PE, SE
kraken_report_dehosted File Full Kraken report after host removal PE, SE
kraken_sc2_dehosted Float Percent of SARS-CoV-2 read data detected using the Kraken2 software after host removal PE, SE
kraken_version_dehosted String Version of Kraken2 software used PE, SE
ncbi_scrub_docker String Docker image used to run HRRT PE, SE
ncbi_scrub_human_spots_removed Int Number of spots removed (or masked) PE, SE
ncbi_scrub_pe_analysis_date String Date of analysis PE, SE
ncbi_scrub_pe_version String Version of HRRT software used PE, SE
read1_dehosted File Dehosted forward reads PE, SE
read2_dehosted File Dehosted reverse reads PE