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Quick Facts

Workflow Type Applicable Kingdom Last Known Changes Command-line Compatibility Workflow Level
Standalone Bacteria PHB v2.0.0 Yes Sample-level


This workflow is still in experimental research stages. Documentation is minimal as changes may occur in the code; it will be fleshed out when a stable state has been achieved.


Terra Task Name Variable Type Description Default Value Terra Status
tbprofiler_tngs read1 File Illumina forward read file in FASTQ file format (compression optional) Required
tbprofiler_tngs read2 File Illumina reverse read file in FASTQ file format (compression optional) Required
tbprofiler_tngs samplename String Name of sample to be analyzed Required
tbp_parser coverage_regions_bed File A file that contains the regions to perform coverage analysis on Optional
tbp_parser coverage_threshold Int The minimum percentage of a region to exceed the minimum depth for a region to pass QC in tbp_parser 100 Optional
tbp_parser cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 1 Optional
tbp_parser disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
tbp_parser docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
tbp_parser etha237_frequency Float Minimum frequency for a mutation in ethA at protein position 237 to pass QC in tbp-parser 0.1 Optional
tbp_parser expert_rule_regions_bed File A file that contains the regions where R mutations and expert rules are applied Optional
tbp_parser memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 4 Optional
tbp_parser min_depth Int Minimum depth for a variant to pass QC in tbp_parser 10 Optional
tbp_parser min_frequency Float Minimum allele frequency for a variant to pass QC in tbp-parser 0.1 Optional
tbp_parser min_read_support Int Minimum read support for a variant to pass QC in tbp-parser 10 Optional
tbp_parser operator String Fills the "operator" field in the tbp_parser output files Optional
tbp_parser rpob449_frequency Float Minimum frequency for a mutation at protein position 449 to pass QC in tbp-parser 0.1 Optional
tbp_parser rrl_frequency Float Minimum frequency for a mutation in rrl to pass QC in tbp-parser 0.1 Optional
tbp_parser rrl_read_support Int Minimum read support for a mutation in rrl to pass QC in tbp-parser 10 Optional
tbp_parser rrs_frequency Float Minimum frequency for a mutation in rrs to pass QC in tbp-parser 0.1 Optional
tbp_parser rrs_read_support Int Minimum read support for a mutation in rrs to pass QC in tbp-parser 10 Optional
tbp_parser sequencing_method String Fills out the "seq_method" field in the tbp_parser output files Optional
tbp_parser tbp_parser_debug Boolean Activate the debug mode on tbp_parser; increases logging outputs FALSE Optional
tbprofiler cov_frac_threshold Int A cutoff used to calculate the fraction of the region covered by ≤ this value 1 Optional
tbprofiler cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 8 Optional
tbprofiler disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
tbprofiler mapper String The mapping tool used in TBProfiler to align the reads to the reference genome; see TBProfiler's original documentation for available options. bwa Optional
tbprofiler memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 16 Optional
tbprofiler min_af Float The minimum allele frequency to call a variant 0.1 Optional
tbprofiler min_af_pred Float The minimum allele frequency to use a variant for resistance prediction 0.1 Optional
tbprofiler min_depth Int The minimum depth for a variant to be called. 10 Optional
tbprofiler ont_data Boolean Internal component; do not modify Do not modify, Optional
tbprofiler tbprofiler_custom_db File TBProfiler uses by default the TBDB database; if you have a custom database you wish to use, you must provide a custom database in this field and set tbprofiler_run_custom_db to true Optional
tbprofiler tbprofiler_docker_image String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
tbprofiler tbprofiler_run_custom_db Boolean FALSE Optional
tbprofiler variant_caller String Select a different variant caller for TBProfiler to use by writing it in this block; see TBProfiler's original documentation for available options. freebayes Optional
tbprofiler variant_calling_params String Enter additional variant calling parameters in this free text input to customize how the variant caller works in TBProfiler Optional
tbprofiler bases_to_crop Int Indicate the number of bases to remove from the start and end of the read 30 Optional
trimmomatic_pe cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 4 Optional
trimmomatic_pe disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
trimmomatic_pe docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
trimmomatic_pe memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 8 Optional
trimmomatic_pe trimmomatic_args String Additional arguments to pass to trimmomatic. "-phred33" specifies the Phred Q score encoding which is almost always phred33 with modern sequence data. -phred33 Optional
trimmomatic_pe trimmomatic_min_length Int Specifies minimum length of each read after trimming to be kept 75 Optional
trimmomatic_pe trimmomatic_quality_trim_score Int The trimming quality score 30 Optional
trimmomatic_pe trimmomatic_window_size Int The window size for trimming 4 Optional
version_capture docker String The Docker container to use for the task "" Optional
version_capture timezone String Set the time zone to get an accurate date of analysis (uses UTC by default) Optional

Terra Outputs

Variable Type Description
tbp_parser_average_genome_depth Float The mean depth of coverage across all target regions included in the analysis
tbp_parser_coverage_report File A file containing the breadth of coverage across each target loci
tbp_parser_docker String The docker image and version tag for the tbp_parser tool
tbp_parser_genome_percent_coverage Float The percent breadth of coverage across the entire genome
tbp_parser_laboratorian_report_csv File An output file containing information regarding each mutation and its associated drug resistance profile in a CSV file. This file also contains two interpretation fields -- "Looker" and "MDL" which are generated using the CDC's expert rules for interpreting the severity of potential drug resistance mutations.
tbp_parser_lims_report_csv File An output file formatted specifically for STAR LIMS. This CSV report summarizes the highest severity mutations for each antimicrobial and lists the relevant mutations for each gene.
tbp_parser_looker_report_csv File An output file that contains condensed information suitable for generating a dashboard in Google's Looker studio.
tbp_parser_version String The version number of tbp_parser
tbprofiler_dr_type String The drug resistance category as determined by TBProfiler
tbprofiler_main_lineage String The Mycobacterium tuberculosis lineage assignment as made by TBProfiler
tbprofiler_median_coverage Int The median depth of coverage across the target loci
tbprofiler_num_dr_variants String The total number of drug resistance conferring variants detected by TBProfiler
tbprofiler_num_other_variants String The total number of non-drug resistance conferring variants detected by TBProfiler
tbprofiler_output_alignment_bai File The index file associated with the binary alignment map of the input reads against the H37Rv genome
tbprofiler_output_alignment_bam File The binary alignment map of the input reads against the H37Rv genome
tbprofiler_pct_reads_mapped Float The percentage of reads that successfully mapped to the H37Rv genome
tbprofiler_report_csv File The raw output file from TBProfiler
tbprofiler_report_json File The json output file from TBProfiler
tbprofiler_report_tsv File The TSV output file from TBProfiler
tbprofiler_resistance_genes String The genes in which a mutation was detected that may be resistance conferring
tbprofiler_sub_lineage String The Mycobacterium tuberculosis sub-lineage assignment as made by TBProfiler
tbprofiler_tngs_wf_analysis_date String The date on which the workflow was run
tbprofiler_tngs_wf_version String The version of the tbprofiler_tngs workflow used for this analysis
tbprofiler_version String The version of TBProfiler used for this analysis
trimmomatic_docker String The docker image used for the trimmomatic module in this workflow
trimmomatic_read1_trimmed File The read1 file post trimming
trimmomatic_read2_trimmed File The read2 file post trimming
trimmomatic_stats File The read trimming statistics
trimmomatic_version String The version of trimmomatic used in this analysis