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Quick Facts

Workflow Type Applicable Kingdom Last Known Changes Command-line Compatibility Workflow Level
Exporting Data From Terra Any taxa PHB v1.3.0 Yes Set-level


This set-level workflow will transfer all of the items from a given column in a Terra Data Table to a single GCP storage bucket location. This is useful when you want to transfer many files to another GCP storage bucket (can be a Terra workspace storage bucket or a non-Terra storage bucket).


This workflow requires that the user's Terra pet-service account has sufficient privileges to read and write to the target storage bucket.

  • If the target bucket is associated with a Terra workspace, the workspace OWNER/administrator must grant WRITER privileges with the Terra workspace.
  • If the target bucket is not associated with a Terra workspace (i.e. GCP storage bucket), the user's Terra pet-service account (or their Terra PROXY account) must be granted the ability to read and write to the bucket (Storage Object Admin google privileges)


If using Transfer_column_content workflow version 1.3.0 or higher, the call-caching feature of Terra has been DISABLED to ensure that the workflow is run from the beginning and data is transferred fresh. Call-caching will not be enabled, even if the user checks the box ✅ in the Terra workflow interface.


This workflow runs on the set level.

Terra Task name input_variable Type Description Default attribute Status
transfer_column_content files_to_transfer Array[File] The column that has the files you want to concatenate. Required
transfer_column_content target_bucket String The GS URI of the target storage bucket. Note: Do not include spaces, but do include the gs:// at the beginning of the bucket URI Required
transfer_files cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 4 Optional
transfer_files disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
transfer_files docker_image String The docker image used to perform the file transfer." Optional
transfer_files memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 8 Optional
version_capture docker String The Docker container to use for the task "" Optional
version_capture timezone String Set the time zone to get an accurate date of analysis (uses UTC by default) Optional



Please note that if you run this workflow on the same Terra set (the same group of samples can be included in multiple Terra sets), the results will overwrite each other. We recommend either (1) renaming the output variable, or (2) creating a new set every time you run the workflow.

Variable Type Description
transferred_files File A list of all of the files now located at the target bucket location (GSURI)
transfer_column_content_version String The version of the repository the workflow is hosted in
transfer_column_content_analysis_date String The date the workflow was run