Freyja Workflow Series¶
Wastewater and more
The typical use case of Freyja is to analyze mixed SARS-CoV-2 samples from a sequencing dataset, most often wastewater.
Default Values
The defaults included in the Freyja workflows reflect this use case but can be adjusted for other pathogens. See the Running Freyja on other pathogens section for more information.
Quick Facts¶
Workflow Type | Applicable Kingdom | Last Known Changes | Command-line Compatibility | Workflow Level |
Genomic Characterization | Viral | PHB v2.2.0 | Yes | Sample-level, Set-level |
Freyja Overview¶
Freyja is a tool for analysing viral mixed sample genomic sequencing data. Developed by Joshua Levy from the Andersen Lab, it performs two main steps:
- Single nucleotide variant (SNV) frequency estimation;
- Depth-weighted demixing using constrained least absolute deviation regression.
Additional post-processing steps can produce visualizations of aggregated samples.
Figure 1: Workflow Diagram for Freyja_FASTQ_PHB workflow
Figure 1¶
Depending on the type of data (Illumina or Oxford Nanopore), the Read QC and Filtering steps, as well as the Read Alignment steps use different software. The user can specify if the barcodes and lineages file should be updated with freyja update
before running Freyja or if bootstrapping is to be performed with freyja boot
Four workflows have been created that perform different parts of Freyja:
The main workflow is Freyja_FASTQ_PHB (Figure 1). Depending on the type of input data (Illumina paired-end, Illumina single-end or ONT), it runs various QC modules before aligning the sample with either BWA (Illumina) or minimap2 (ONT) to the provided reference file, followed by iVar for primer trimming. After the preprocessing is completed, Freyja is run to generate relative lineage abundances (demix) from the sample. Optional bootstrapping may be performed.
Data Compatability
The Freyja_FASTQ_PHB workflow is compatible with the following input data types:
- Ilumina Single-End
- Illumina Paired-End
- Oxford Nanopore
Freyja_Update_PHB will copy the SARS-CoV-2 reference files (curated_lineages.json
and usher_barcodes.feather
) from the source repository to a user-specific Google Cloud Storage (GCP) location (often a workspace-associated bucket). These files can then be used as input for the Freyja_FASTQ_PHB workflow.
Two options are available to visualize the Freyja results: Freyja_Plot_PHB and Freyja_Dashboard_PHB. Freyja_Plot_PHB aggregates multiple samples using output from Freyja_FASTQ_PHB to generate a plot that shows fractional abundance estimates for all samples. including the option to plot sample collection date information. Alternatively, Freyja_Dashboard_PHB aggregates multiple samples using output from Freyja_FASTQ to generate an interactive visualization. This workflow requires an additional input field called viral load, which is the number of viral copies per liter.
This workflow will copy the Freyja reference files (usher_barcodes.feather
and curated_lineages.json
) to a GCP URI of your choice for usage in Freyja_FASTQ_PHB.
We recommend running this workflow with "Run inputs defined by file paths" selected since no information from a Terra data table is actually being used. We also recommend turning off call caching so new information is retrieved every time.
Terra Task Name | Variable | Type | Description | Default Value | Terra Status |
freyja_update | gcp_uri | String | The path where you want the Freyja reference files to be stored. Include gs:// at the beginning of the string. Full example with a Terra workspace bucket: "gs://fc-87ddd67a-c674-45a8-9651-f91e3d2f6bb7" | Required | |
freyja_update_refs | cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 4 | Optional |
freyja_update_refs | disk_size | Int | Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task | 100 | Optional |
freyja_update_refs | docker | String | The Docker container to use for the task | "" | Optional |
freyja_update_refs | memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 16 | Optional |
transfer_files | cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 2 | Optional |
transfer_files | disk_size | Int | Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task | 100 | Optional |
transfer_files | docker | String | The Docker container to use for the task | "" | Optional |
transfer_files | memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 4 | Optional |
This workflow does not produce any outputs that appear in a Terra data table. The reference files will appear at the location specified with the gcp_uri
input variable.
Freyja measures SNV frequency and sequencing depth at each position in the genome to return an estimate of the true lineage abundances in the sample. The method uses lineage-defining "barcodes" that, for SARS-CoV-2, are derived from the UShER global phylogenetic tree as a base set for demixing. Freyja_FASTQ_PHB returns as output a TSV file that includes the lineages present and their corresponding abundances, along with other values.
The Freyja_FASTQ_PHB workflow is compatible with the multiple input data types: Ilumina Single-End, Illumina Paired-End and Oxford Nanopore. Depending on the type of input data, different input values are used.
Table 1: Freyja_FASTQ_PHB input configuration for different types of input data.
Table Columns | Illumina Paired-End | Illumina Single-End | Oxford Nanopore |
read1 | âś… | âś… | âś… |
read2 | ✅ | ❌ | ❌ |
ont | false |
false |
true |
Freyja_FASTQ Inputs¶
This workflow runs on the sample level.
Terra Task Name | Variable | Type | Description | Default Value | Terra Status |
freyja_fastq | primer_bed | File | The bed file containing the primers used when sequencing was performed | Required | |
freyja_fastq | read1 | File | The raw forward-facing FASTQ file (Illumina or ONT) | Required | |
freyja_fastq | reference_genome | File | The reference genome to use; should match the reference used for alignment (Wuhan-Hu-1) | Required | |
freyja_fastq | samplename | String | The name of the sample | Required | |
bwa | cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 6 | Optional |
bwa | disk_size | Int | Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task | 100 | Optional |
bwa | docker | String | The Docker container to use for the task | | Optional |
bwa | memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 16 | Optional |
freyja | bootstrap | Boolean | Perform bootstrapping | FALSE | Optional |
freyja | confirmed_only | Boolean | Include only confirmed SARS-CoV-2 lineages | FALSE | Optional |
freyja | cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 2 | Optional |
freyja | disk_size | Int | Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task | 100 | Optional |
freyja | docker | String | The Docker container to use for the task | "" | Optional |
freyja | eps | Float | The minimum lineage abundance cut-off value | 0.001 | Optional |
freyja | freyja_lineage_metadata | File | (found in the optional section, but is required) File containing the lineage metadata; the "curated_lineages.json" file found can be used for this variable. Does not need to be provided if update_db is true. | None | Optional, Required |
freyja | memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 4 | Optional |
freyja | number_bootstraps | Int | The number of bootstraps to perform (only used if bootstrap = true) | 100 | Optional |
freyja | update_db | Boolean | Updates the Freyja reference files (the usher barcodes and lineage metadata files) but will not save them as output (use Freyja_Update for that purpose). If set to true, the freyja_lineage_metadata and freyja_usher_barcodes files are not required. |
FALSE | Optional |
freyja_fastq | depth_cutoff | Int | The minimum coverage depth with which to exclude sites below this value and group identical barcodes | 10 | Optional |
freyja_fastq | ont | Boolean | Indicates if the input data is derived from an ONT instrument. | FALSE | Optional |
freyja_fastq | read2 | File | The raw reverse-facing FASTQ file (Illumina only) | Optional | |
freyja_fastq | trimmomatic_minlen | Int | The minimum length cut-off when performing read cleaning | 25 | Optional |
get_fasta_genome_size | cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 1 | Optional |
get_fasta_genome_size | disk_size | Int | Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task | 10 | Optional |
get_fasta_genome_size | docker | String | Docker image used for this task. | "" | Optional |
get_fasta_genome_size | memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 2 | Optional |
minimap2 | cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 2 | Optional |
minimap2 | disk_size | Int | Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task | 100 | Optional |
minimap2 | docker | String | Docker image used for this task. | "" | Optional |
minimap2 | memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 8 | Optional |
minimap2 | query2 | File | Internal component. Do not modify | None | Do not modify, Optional |
nanoplot_clean | cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 4 | Optional |
nanoplot_clean | disk_size | Int | Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task | 100 | Optional |
nanoplot_clean | docker | String | Docker image used for this task. | "" | Optional |
nanoplot_clean | max_length | Int | Maximum read length for nanoplot | 100000 | Optional |
nanoplot_clean | memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 16 | Optional |
nanoplot_raw | cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 4 | Optional |
nanoplot_raw | disk_size | Int | Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task | 100 | Optional |
nanoplot_raw | docker | String | Docker image used for this task. | "" | Optional |
nanoplot_raw | max_length | Int | Maximum read length for nanoplot | 100000 | Optional |
nanoplot_raw | memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 16 | Optional |
primer_trim | cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 2 | Optional |
primer_trim | disk_size | Int | Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task | 100 | Optional |
primer_trim | docker | String | Docker image used for this task. | "" | Optional |
primer_trim | keep_noprimer_reads | Boolean | Include reads with no primers | TRUE | Optional |
primer_trim | memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 8 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | adapters | File | A FASTA file containing adapter sequence | None | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | bbduk_memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 8 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | call_kraken | Boolean | By default this is set to false to skip kraken2; set to true to run kraken2 but a database must be also provided via the kraken_db input parameter for this to run successfully | FALSE | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | call_midas | Boolean | By default this is set to true to run MIDAS; set to false to skip MIDAS | FALSE | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | fastp_args | String | Additional arguments to use with fastp | "--detect_adapter_for_pe -g -5 20 -3 20" | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | kraken_cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 4 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | kraken_db | File | A kraken2 database to use with the kraken2 optional task. The file must be a .tar.gz kraken2 database. | None | Optional, Sometimes required |
read_QC_trim_pe | kraken_disk_size | Int | Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task | 100 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | kraken_memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 8 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | midas_db | File | Database to use with MIDAS. Not required as one will be auto-selected when running the MIDAS task. | None | Optional, Sometimes required |
read_QC_trim_pe | phix | File | The file containing the phix sequence to be used during bbduk task | None | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | read_processing | String | Options: "trimmomatic" or "fastp" to indicate which read trimming module to use | "trimmomatic" | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | read_qc | String | Allows the user to decide between fastq_scan (default) and fastqc for the evaluation of read quality. | fastq_scan | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | target_organism | String | The organism whose abundance the user wants to check in their reads. This should be a proper taxonomic name recognized by the Kraken database. | None | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | trim_quality_trim_score | Int | The minimum quality score to keep during trimming | 30 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | trim_window_size | Int | The window size to use during trimming | 4 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_pe | trimmomatic_args | String | Additional command-line arguments to use with trimmomatic | None | Optional |
read_QC_trim_ont | call_kraken | Boolean | By default this is set to false to skip kraken2; set to true to run kraken2 but a database must be also provided via the kraken_db input parameter for this to run successfully | FALSE | Optional |
read_QC_trim_ont | downsampling_coverage | Float | The depth to downsample to with Rasusa. Internal component. Do not modify. | 150 | Do not modify, Optional |
read_QC_trim_ont | genome_length | Int | Internal component. Do not modify | None | Do not modify, Optional |
read_QC_trim_ont | kraken_cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 4 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_ont | kraken_db | File | A kraken2 database to use with the kraken2 optional task. The file must be a .tar.gz kraken2 database. | None | Optional |
read_QC_trim_ont | kraken_disk_size | Int | Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task | 100 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_ont | kraken_memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 8 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_ont | max_length | Int | Internal component, do not modify | Do not modify, Optional | |
read_QC_trim_ont | min_length | Int | Internal component, do not modify | Do not modify, Optional | |
read_QC_trim_ont | run_prefix | String | Internal component, do not modify | Do not modify, Optional | |
read_QC_trim_ont | target_organism | String | This string is searched for in the kraken2 outputs to extract the read percentage | Optional | |
read_QC_trim_se | adapters | File | A FASTA file containing adapter sequence | None | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | bbduk_memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 8 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | call_kraken | Boolean | By default this is set to false to skip kraken2; set to true to run kraken2 but a database must be also provided via the kraken_db input parameter for this to run successfully | FALSE | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | call_midas | Boolean | By default this is set to true to run MIDAS; set to false to skip MIDAS | FALSE | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | fastp_args | String | Additional arguments to use with fastp | "--detect_adapter_for_pe -g -5 20 -3 20" | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | kraken_cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 4 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | kraken_db | File | A kraken2 database to use with the kraken2 optional task. The file must be a .tar.gz kraken2 database. | None | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | kraken_disk_size | Int | Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task | 100 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | kraken_memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 8 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | midas_db | File | Database to use with MIDAS. Not required as one will be auto-selected when running the MIDAS task. | None | Optional, Sometimes required |
read_QC_trim_se | phix | File | The file containing the phix sequence to be used during bbduk task | None | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | read_processing | String | Options: "trimmomatic" or "fastp" to indicate which read trimming module to use | "trimmomatic" | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | read_qc | String | Allows the user to decide between fastq_scan (default) and fastqc for the evaluation of read quality. | fastq_scan | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | target_organism | String | The organism whose abundance the user wants to check in their reads. This should be a proper taxonomic name recognized by the Kraken database. | None | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | trim_quality_min_score | Int | The minimum quality score to keep during trimming | 30 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | trim_window_size | Int | The window size to use during trimming | 4 | Optional |
read_QC_trim_se | trimmomatic_args | String | Additional command-line arguments to use with trimmomatic | None | Optional |
sam_to_sorted_bam | cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 2 | Optional |
sam_to_sorted_bam | disk_size | Int | Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task | 100 | Optional |
sam_to_sorted_bam | docker | String | Docker image used for this task. | | Optional |
sam_to_sorted_bam | memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 8 | Optional |
version_capture | docker | String | The Docker container to use for the task | "" | Optional |
version_capture | timezone | String | Set the time zone to get an accurate date of analysis (uses UTC by default) | Optional |
Freyja_FASTQ Analysis Tasks¶
This task runs a sub-workflow that gathers basic QC information, trimming (either with trimmomatic or fastp), human read scrubbing, and taxonomic identification (Kraken2). Optional parameters do not need to be modified. For information regarding the individual tasks performed during this, please visit the TheiaCoV documentation.
Read_QC_Trim_PE Technical Details
Links | |
Task | wf_read_QC_trim_pe.wdl |
This task runs a sub-workflow that gathers basic QC information, trimming (either with trimmomatic or fastp), human read scrubbing, and taxonomic identification (Kraken2). Optional parameters do not need to be modified. For information regarding the individual tasks performed during this, please visit the TheiaCoV documentation.
Read_QC_Trim_SE Technical Details
Links | |
Task | wf_read_QC_trim_se.wdl |
This task runs a sub-workflow that gathers basic QC information, trimming (nanoplot), human read scrubbing, and taxonomic identification (Kraken2). Optional parameters do not need to be modified. For information regarding the individual tasks performed during this, please visit the TheiaCoV documentation.
Read_QC_Trim_ONT Technical Details
Links | |
Task | wf_read_QC_trim_ont.wdl |
This task aligns the cleaned short reads (Illumina) to the reference genome provided by the user.
BWA Technical Details
Links | |
Task | task_bwa.wdl |
Software Source Code | |
Software Documentation | |
Original Publication(s) | Fast and accurate short read alignment with Burrows-Wheeler transform |
This task aligns the cleaned long reads (Oxford Nanopore) to the reference genome provided by the user.
Minimap2 Technical Details
Links | |
Task | task_minimap2.wdl |
Software Source Code | |
Software Documentation | |
Original Publication(s) | Minimap2: pairwise alignment for nucleotide sequences |
This task trims the primer sequences from the aligned bam file with iVar. The optional input, keep_noprimer_reads
, does not have to be modified.
Primer Trim Technical Details
Links | |
Task | task_ivar_primer_trim.wdl |
Software Source Code | |
Software Documentation | |
Original Publication(s) | An amplicon-based sequencing framework for accurately measuring intrahost virus diversity using PrimalSeq and iVar |
The Freyja task will call variants and capture sequencing depth information to identify the relative abundance of lineages present. Optionally, if bootstrap
is set to true, bootstrapping will be performed. After the optional bootstrapping step, the variants are demixed.
Freyja Technical Details
Links | |
Task | task_freyja_one_sample.wdl |
Software Source Code | |
Software Documentation | |
Freyja_FASTQ Outputs¶
The main output file used in subsequent Freyja workflows is found under the freyja_demixed
column. This TSV file takes on the following format:
sample name | |
summarized | [('Delta', 0.65), ('Other', 0.25), ('Alpha', 0.1')] |
lineages | ['B.1.617.2' 'B.1.2' 'AY.6' 'Q.3'] |
abundances | "[0.5 0.25 0.15 0.1]" |
resid | 3.14159 |
coverage | 95.8 |
- The
 array denotes a sum of all lineage abundances in a particular WHO designation (i.e. B.1.617.2 and AY.6 abundances are summed in the above example), otherwise they are grouped into "Other". - The
 array lists the identified lineages in descending order - The
 array contains the corresponding abundances estimates. - The value ofÂ
 corresponds to the residual of the weighted least absolute deviation problem used to estimate lineage abundances. - TheÂ
 value provides the 10x coverage estimate (percent of sites with 10 or greater reads)
Click "Ignore empty outputs"
When running the Freyja_FASTQ_PHB workflow, it is recommended to select the "Ignore empty outputs" option in the Terra UI. This will hide the output columns that will not be generated for your input data type.
Variable | Type | Description | Input Data Type |
aligned_bai | File | Index companion file to the bam file generated during the consensus assembly process | ONT, PE, SE |
aligned_bam | File | Primer-trimmed BAM file; generated during consensus assembly process | ONT, PE, SE |
alignment_method | String | The method used to generate the alignment | ONT, PE, SE |
bbduk_docker | String | Docker image used to run BBDuk | PE, SE |
bwa_version | String | Version of BWA used to map read data to the reference genome | PE, SE |
fastp_html_report | File | The HTML report made with fastp | PE, SE |
fastp_version | String | Version of fastp software used | PE, SE |
fastq_scan_num_reads_clean_pairs | String | Number of clean read pairs | PE |
fastq_scan_num_reads_clean1 | Int | Number of clean forward reads | PE, SE |
fastq_scan_num_reads_clean2 | Int | Number of clean reverse reads | PE |
fastq_scan_num_reads_raw_pairs | String | Number of raw read pairs | PE |
fastq_scan_num_reads_raw1 | Int | Number of raw forward reads | PE, SE |
fastq_scan_num_reads_raw2 | Int | Number of raw reverse reads | PE |
fastq_scan_version | String | Version of fastq_scan used for read QC analysis | PE, SE |
fastqc_clean1_html | File | Graphical visualization of clean forward read quality from fastqc to open in an internet browser | PE, SE |
fastqc_clean2_html | File | Graphical visualization of clean reverse read quality from fastqc to open in an internet browser | PE |
fastqc_docker | String | Docker container used for fastqc | PE, SE |
fastqc_num_reads_clean_pairs | String | Number of read pairs after cleaning by fastqc | PE |
fastqc_num_reads_clean1 | Int | Number of forward reads after cleaning by fastqc | PE, SE |
fastqc_num_reads_clean2 | Int | Number of reverse reads after cleaning by fastqc | PE |
fastqc_num_reads_raw_pairs | String | Number of input read pairs by fastqc | PE |
fastqc_num_reads_raw1 | Int | Number of input forward reads by fastqc | PE, SE |
fastqc_num_reads_raw2 | Int | Number of input reverse reads by fastqc | PE |
fastqc_raw1_html | File | Graphical visualization of raw forward read quality from fastqc to open in an internet browser | PE, SE |
fastqc_raw2_html | File | Graphical visualization of raw reverse read qualityfrom fastqc to open in an internet browser | PE |
fastqc_version | String | Version of fastqc software used | PE, SE |
freyja_barcode_file | File | Barcode file used | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_barcode_version | String | Name of barcode file used, or the date if update_db is true | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_bootstrap_lineages | File | A CSV that contains the 0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5 (median), 0.75, 0.95, and 0.975 percentiles for each lineage | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_bootstrap_lineages_pdf | File | A boxplot of the bootstrap lineages CSV file | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_bootstrap_summary | File | A CSV that contains the 0.025, 0.05, 0.25, 0.5 (median), 0.75, 0.95, and 0.975 percentiles for each WHO designated VOI/VOC | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_bootstrap_summary_pdf | File | A boxplot of the bootstrap summary CSV file | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_coverage | Float | Coverage identified by Freyja and parsed from freyja_demixed file | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_demixed | File | The main output TSV; see the section directly above this table for an explanation | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_depths | File | A TSV listing the depth of every position | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_fastq_wf_analysis_date | String | Date of analysis | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_fastq_wf_version | String | The version of the Public Health Bioinformatics (PHB) repository used | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_lineage_metadata_file | File | Lineage metadata JSON file used. Can be the one provided as input or downloaded by Freyja if update_db is true | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_metadata_version | String | Name of lineage metadata file used, or the date if update_db is true | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_usher_barcode_file | File | USHER barcode feather file used. Can be the one provided as input or downloaded by Freyja if update_db is true | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_variants | File | The TSV file containing the variants identified by Freyja | ONT, PE, SE |
freyja_version | String | version of Freyja used | ONT, PE, SE |
ivar_version_primtrim | String | Version of iVar for running the iVar trim command | ONT, PE, SE |
kraken_human | Float | Percent of human read data detected using the Kraken2 software | ONT, PE, SE |
kraken_human_dehosted | Float | Percent of human read data detected using the Kraken2 software after host removal | ONT, PE, SE |
kraken_report | File | Full Kraken report | ONT, PE, SE |
kraken_report_dehosted | File | Full Kraken report after host removal | ONT, PE, SE |
kraken_sc2 | Float | Percent of SARS-CoV-2 read data detected using the Kraken2 software | ONT, PE, SE |
kraken_sc2_dehosted | Float | Percent of SARS-CoV-2 read data detected using the Kraken2 software after host removal | ONT, PE, SE |
kraken_version | String | Version of Kraken software used | ONT, PE, SE |
minimap2_docker | String | Docker image used to run minimap2 | ONT |
minimap2_version | String | Version of minimap2 used | ONT |
nanoplot_html_clean | File | Clean read file | ONT |
nanoplot_html_raw | File | Raw read file | ONT |
nanoplot_num_reads_clean1 | Int | Number of clean reads for the forward-facing file | ONT |
nanoplot_num_reads_raw1 | Int | Number of reads for the forward-facing file | ONT |
nanoplot_r1_est_coverage_clean | Float | Estimated coverage on the clean reads by nanoplot | ONT |
nanoplot_r1_est_coverage_raw | Float | Estimated coverage on the raw reads by nanoplot | ONT |
nanoplot_r1_mean_q_clean | Float | Mean quality score of clean forward reads | ONT |
nanoplot_r1_mean_q_raw | Float | Mean quality score of raw forward reads | ONT |
nanoplot_r1_mean_readlength_clean | Float | Mean read length of clean forward reads | ONT |
nanoplot_r1_mean_readlength_raw | Float | Mean read length of raw forward reads | ONT |
nanoplot_r1_median_q_clean | Float | Median quality score of clean forward reads | ONT |
nanoplot_r1_median_q_raw | Float | Median quality score of raw forward reads | ONT |
nanoplot_r1_median_readlength_clean | Float | Median read length of clean forward reads | ONT |
nanoplot_r1_median_readlength_raw | Float | Median read length of raw forward reads | ONT |
nanoplot_r1_n50_clean | Float | N50 of clean forward reads | ONT |
nanoplot_r1_n50_raw | Float | N50 of raw forward reads | ONT |
nanoplot_r1_stdev_readlength_clean | Float | Standard deviation read length of clean forward reads | ONT |
nanoplot_r1_stdev_readlength_raw | Float | Standard deviation read length of raw forward reads | ONT |
nanoplot_tsv_clean | File | Output TSV file created by nanoplot | ONT |
nanoplot_tsv_raw | File | Output TSV file created by nanoplot | ONT |
nanoq_version | String | Version of nanoq used in analysis | ONT |
primer_bed_name | String | Name of the primer bed file used for primer trimming | ONT, PE, SE |
primer_trimmed_read_percent | Float | Percentage of read data with primers trimmed as determined by iVar trim | ONT, PE, SE |
read1_clean | File | Forward read file after quality trimming and adapter removal | ONT, PE, SE |
read1_dehosted | File | Dehosted forward reads | ONT, PE, SE |
read2_clean | File | Reverse read file after quality trimming and adapter removal | PE |
read2_dehosted | File | Dehosted reverse reads | PE |
samtools_version | String | The version of SAMtools used to sort and index the alignment file | ONT, PE, SE |
samtools_version_primtrim | String | The version of SAMtools used to create the pileup before running iVar trim | ONT, PE, SE |
trimmomatic_docker | String | Docker container for Trimmomatic | PE, SE |
trimmomatic_version | String | The version of Trimmomatic used | PE, SE |
This workflow visualizes aggregated freyja_demixed output files produced by Freyja_FASTQ in a single plot (pdf format) which provides fractional abundance estimates for all aggregated samples.
Options exist to provide lineage-specific breakdowns and/or sample collection time information.
Freyja_Plot Inputs¶
This workflow runs on the set level.
Terra Task Name | Variable | Type | Description | Default Value | Terra Status |
freyja_plot | freyja_demixed | Array[File] | An array containing the output files (freyja_demixed) made by Freyja_FASTQ | Required | |
freyja_plot | freyja_plot_name | String | The name of the plot to be produced. Example: "my-freyja-plot" | Required | |
freyja_plot | samplename | Array[String] | An array containing the names of the samples | Required | |
freyja_plot | collection_date | Array[String] | An array containing the collection dates for the sample (YYYY-MM-DD format) | Optional | |
freyja_plot_task | cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 2 | Optional |
freyja_plot_task | disk_size | Int | Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task | 100 | Optional |
freyja_plot_task | docker | String | The Docker container to use for the task | | Optional |
freyja_plot_task | memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 4 | Optional |
freyja_plot_task | mincov | Int | The minimum genome coverage used as a cut-off of data to include in the plot | 60 | Optional |
freyja_plot_task | plot_day_window | Int | The width of the rolling average window; only used if plot_time_interval is "D" | 14 | Optional |
freyja_plot_task | plot_lineages | Boolean | If true, will plot a lineage-specific breakdown | FALSE | Optional |
freyja_plot_task | plot_time | Boolean | If true, will plot sample collection time information (requires the collection_date input variable) | FALSE | Optional |
freyja_plot_task | plot_time_interval | String | Options: "MS" for month, "D" for day | MS | Optional |
version_capture | docker | String | The Docker container to use for the task | "" | Optional |
version_capture | timezone | String | Set the time zone to get an accurate date of analysis (uses UTC by default) | Optional |
Analysis Tasks¶
This task will aggregate multiple samples together, and then creates a plot. Several optional inputs dictate the plot appearance (see each variable's description for more information).
Freyja Plot Technical Details
Links | |
Task | wf_freyja_plot.wdl |
Software Source Code | |
Software Documentation | |
Freyja_Plot Outputs¶
Variable | Type | Description |
freyja_demixed_aggregate | File | A TSV file that summarizes the freyja_demixed otuputs for all samples |
freyja_plot | File | A PDF of the plot produced by the workflow |
freyja_plot_metadata | File | The metadata used to create the plot |
freyja_plot_version | String | The version of Freyja used |
freyja_plot_wf_analysis_date | String | The date of analysis |
freyja_plot_wf_version | String | The version of the Public Health Bioinformatics (PHB) repository used |
This workflow creates a group of interactive visualizations based off of the aggregated freyja_demixed output files produced by Freyja_FASTQ called a "dashboard." Creating this dashboard requires knowing the viral load of your samples (viral copies/L).
This dashboard is not "live" — that is, you must rerun the workflow every time you want new data to be included in the visualizations.
Freyja_Dashboard Inputs¶
This workflow runs on the set level.
Terra Task Name | Variable | Type | Description | Default Value | Terra Status |
freyja_dashboard | collection_date | Array[String] | An array containing the collection dates for the sample (YYYY-MM-DD format) | Required | |
freyja_dashboard | freyja_dashboard_title | String | The name of the dashboard to be produced. Example: "my-freyja-dashboard" | Required | |
freyja_dashboard | freyja_demixed | Array[File] | An array containing the output files (freyja_demixed) made by Freyja_FASTQ workflow | Required | |
freyja_dashboard | samplename | Array[String] | An array containing the names of the samples | Required | |
freyja_dashboard | viral_load | Array[String] | An array containing the number of viral copies per liter | Required | |
freyja_dashboard | dashboard_intro_text | File | A file containing the text to be contained at the top of the dashboard. | SARS-CoV-2 lineage de-convolution performed by the Freyja workflow ( | Optional |
freyja_dashboard_task | config | File | (found in the optional section, but is required) A yaml file that applies various configurations to the dashboard, such as grouping lineages together, applying colorings, etc. See also | None | Optional, Required |
freyja_dashboard_task | cpu | Int | Number of CPUs to allocate to the task | 2 | Optional |
freyja_dashboard_task | docker | String | The Docker container to use for the task | | Optional |
freyja_dashboard_task | headerColor | String | A hex color code to change the color of the header | Optional | |
freyja_dashboard_task | memory | Int | Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task | 4 | Optional |
freyja_dashboard_task | mincov | Float | The minimum genome coverage used as a cut-off of data to include in the dashboard. Default is set to 60 by the freyja command-line tool (not a WDL task default, per se) | None | Optional |
freyja_dashboard_task | scale_by_viral_load | Boolean | If set to true, averages samples taken the same day while taking viral load into account | FALSE | Optional |
freyja_dashboard_task | thresh | Float | The minimum lineage abundance cut-off value | None | Optional |
version_capture | docker | String | The Docker container to use for the task | "" | Optional |
version_capture | timezone | String | Set the time zone to get an accurate date of analysis (uses UTC by default) | Optional |
Freyja_Dashboard Tasks¶
This task will aggregate multiple samples together, and then create an interactive HTML visualization. Several optional inputs dictate the dashboard appearance (see each variable's description for more information).
Freyja Dashboard Technical Details
Links | |
Task | wf_freyja_dashboard.wdl |
Software Source Code | |
Software Documentation | |
Freyja_Dashboard Outputs¶
Variable | Type | Description |
freyja_dashboard | File | The HTML file of the dashboard created |
freyja_dashboard_metadata | File | The metadata used to create the dashboard |
freyja_dashboard_version | String | The version of Freyja used |
freyja_dashboard_wf_analysis_date | String | The date of analysis |
freyja_dashboard_wf_version | String | The version of the Public Health Bioinformatics (PHB) repository used |
freyja_demixed_aggregate | File | A TSV file that summarizes the freyja_demixed outputs for all samples |
Running Freyja on other pathogens¶
The main requirement to run Freyja on other pathogens is the existence of a barcode file for your pathogen of interest. Currently, barcodes exist for the following organisms
- RSVa
- RSVb
The appropriate barcode file and reference sequence need to be downloaded and uploaded to your workspace.
Freyja barcodes for other pathogens
Data for various pathogens can be found in the following repository:Â Freyja Barcodes
Folders are organized by pathogen, with each subfolder named after the date the barcode was generated, using the format YYYY-MM-DD. Barcode files are named barcode.csv
, and reference genome files are named reference.fasta
When running Freyja_FASTQ_PHB, the appropriate reference and barcodes file need to be passed as inputs. The first is a required input and will show up at the top of the workflows inputs page on (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Required input for Freyja_FASTQ_PHB to provide the reference genome to be used by Freyja
Figure 2¶
The barcodes file can be passed directly to Freyja by the freyja_usher_barcodes
optional input (Figure 3).
Figure 3: Optional input for Freyja_FASTQ_PHB to provide the barcodes file to be used by Freyja
Figure 3¶
If you use any of the Freyja workflows, please cite:
Karthikeyan, S., Levy, J.I., De Hoff, P. et al. Wastewater sequencing reveals early cryptic SARS-CoV-2 variant transmission. Nature 609, 101–108 (2022).
Freyja source code can be found at
Freyja barcodes (non-SARS-CoV-2):