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Quick Facts

Workflow Type Applicable Kingdom Last Known Changes Command-line Compatibliity Workflow Level
Genomic Characterization Mycotics PHB v2.2.0 Yes Sample-level

TheiaEuk Workflows

The TheiaEuk_PE workflow is for the assembly, quality assessment, and characterization of fungal genomes. It is designed to accept Illumina paired-end sequencing data as the primary input. It is currently intended only for haploid fungal genomes like Candida auris. Analyzing diploid genomes using TheiaEuk should be attempted only with expert attention to the resulting genome quality.

All input reads are processed through "core tasks" in each workflow. The core tasks include raw-read quality assessment, read cleaning (quality trimming and adapter removal), de novo assembly, assembly quality assessment, and species taxon identification. For some taxa identified, "taxa-specific sub-workflows" will be automatically activated, undertaking additional taxa-specific characterization steps, including clade-typing and/or antifungal resistance detection.

TheiaEuk Workflow Diagram

TheiaEuk Workflow Diagram


Input read data

The TheiaEuk_PE workflow takes in Illumina paired-end read data. Read file names should end with .fastq or .fq, with the optional addition of .gz. When possible, Theiagen recommends zipping files with gzip prior to Terra upload to minimize data upload time.

By default, the workflow anticipates 2 x 150bp reads (i.e. the input reads were generated using a 300-cycle sequencing kit). Modifications to the optional parameter for trim_minlen may be required to accommodate shorter read data, such as the 2 x 75bp reads generated using a 150-cycle sequencing kit.

Terra Task Name Variable Type Description Default Value Terra Status
theiaeuk_pe read1 File Unprocessed Illumina forward read file Required
theiaeuk_pe read2 File Unprocessed Illumina reverse read file Required
theiaeuk_pe samplename String Name of Terra datatable Required
busco cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 2 Optional
busco disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
busco docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
cg_pipeline_clean cg_pipe_opts String Options to pass to CG-Pipeline for clean read assessment --fast Optional
cg_pipeline_clean disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
cg_pipeline_clean docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
cg_pipeline_raw cg_pipe_opts String Options to pass to CG-Pipeline for clean read assessment --fast Optional
cg_pipeline_raw disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
cg_pipeline_raw docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
clean_check_reads cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 2 Optional
clean_check_reads disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
clean_check_reads docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
clean_check_reads memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 2 Optional
clean_check_reads organism String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
clean_check_reads workflow_series String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
gambit disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
gambit docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
merlin_magic agrvate_docker_image String Internal component, do not modify "" Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic assembly_only Boolean Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic call_poppunk Boolean Internal component, do not modify TRUE Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic call_shigeifinder_reads_input Boolean Internal component, do not modify FALSE Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic emmtypingtool_docker_image String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic hicap_docker_image String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic ont_data Boolean Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic paired_end Boolean Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic pasty_docker_image String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic pasty_min_coverage Int Internal component, do not modify 95 Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic pasty_min_pident Int Internal component, do not modify 95 Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic shigatyper_docker_image String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic shigeifinder_docker_image String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic snippy_query_gene String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic srst2_gene_max_mismatch Int Internal component, do not modify 2000 Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic srst2_max_divergence Int Internal component, do not modify 20 Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic srst2_min_cov Int Internal component, do not modify 80 Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic srst2_min_depth Int Internal component, do not modify 5 Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic srst2_min_edge_depth Int Internal component, do not modify 2 Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic staphopia_sccmec_docker_image String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbp_parser_coverage_threshold Int Internal component, do not modify 100 Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbp_parser_debug Boolean Internal component, do not modify FALSE Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbp_parser_docker_image String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbp_parser_min_depth Int Internal component, do not modify 10 Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbp_parser_operator String Internal component, do not modify "Operator not provided" Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbp_parser_output_seq_method_type String Internal component, do not modify "WGS" Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbp_parser_output_seq_method_type String Internal component, do not modify "Sequencing method not provided" Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbprofiler_additional_outputs Boolean Internal component, do not modify FALSE Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbprofiler_cov_frac_threshold Int Internal component, do not modify 1 Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbprofiler_custom_db File Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbprofiler_mapper String Internal component, do not modify bwa Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbprofiler_min_af Float Internal component, do not modify 0.1 Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbprofiler_min_af_pred Float Internal component, do not modify 0.1 Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbprofiler_min_depth Int Internal component, do not modify 10 Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbprofiler_run_custom_db Boolean Internal component, do not modify FALSE Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbprofiler_variant_caller String Internal component, do not modify freebayes Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic tbprofiler_variant_calling_params String Internal component, do not modify None Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic virulencefinder_coverage_threshold Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic virulencefinder_database String Internal component, do not modify "virulence_ecoli" Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic virulencefinder_docker_image String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
merlin_magic virulencefinder_identity_threshold Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task ani_highest_percent Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task ani_highest_percent_bases_aligned Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task assembly_length_unambiguous Int Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task assembly_mean_coverage Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 4 Optional
qc_check_task disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
qc_check_task docker String The Docker container to use for the task "" Optional
qc_check_task kraken_human Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task kraken_human_dehosted Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task kraken_sc2 Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task kraken_sc2_dehosted Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task kraken_target_organism Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task kraken_target_organism_dehosted Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task meanbaseq_trim String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 8 Optional
qc_check_task midas_secondary_genus_abundance Int Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task midas_secondary_genus_coverage Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task number_Degenerate Int Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task number_N Int Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task percent_reference_coverage Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task sc2_s_gene_mean_coverage Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task sc2_s_gene_percent_coverage Float Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
qc_check_task vadr_num_alerts String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
quast disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
quast docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
quast min_contig_length Int Minimum length of contig for QUAST 500 Optional
rasusa_task bases String Explicitly set the number of bases required e.g., 4.3kb, 7Tb, 9000, 4.1MB Optional
rasusa_task cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 4 Optional
rasusa_task disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
rasusa_task docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
rasusa_task frac Float Subsample to a fraction of the reads Optional
rasusa_task memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 8 Optional
rasusa_task num Int Subsample to a specific number of reads Optional
rasusa_task seed Int Random seed to use Optional
raw_check_reads cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 2 Optional
raw_check_reads disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
raw_check_reads docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
raw_check_reads memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 2 Optional
raw_check_reads organism String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
raw_check_reads workflow_series String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
read_QC_trim adapters File File with adapter sequences to be removed Optional
read_QC_trim bbduk_mem Int Memory allocated to the BBDuk VM 8 Optional
read_QC_trim call_kraken Boolean If true, Kraken2 is executed on the dataset FALSE Optional
read_QC_trim call_midas Boolean Internal component, do not modify FALSE Do Not Modify, Optional
read_QC_trim fastp_args String Additional arguments to pass to fastp --detect_adapter_for_pe -g -5 20 -3 20 Optional
read_QC_trim kraken_db File Database to use with kraken2 Optional
read_QC_trim kraken_disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task Optional
read_QC_trim kraken_memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task Optional
read_QC_trim midas_db File Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
read_QC_trim phix File A file containing the phix used during Illumina sequencing; used in the BBDuk task Optional
read_QC_trim read_processing String Read trimming software to use, either "trimmomatic" or "fastp" trimmomatic Optional
read_QC_trim read_qc String Allows the user to decide between fastq_scan (default) and fastqc for the evaluation of read quality. "fastq_scan" Optional
read_QC_trim target_organism String This string is searched for in the kraken2 outputs to extract the read percentage Optional
read_QC_trim trim_minlength Int Specifies minimum length of each read after trimming to be kept 75 Optional
read_QC_trim trim_quality_trim_score Int Specifies the average quality of bases in a sliding window to be kept 20 Optional
read_QC_trim trim_window_size Int Specifies window size for trimming (the number of bases to average the quality across) 10 Optional
read_QC_trim trimmomatic_args String Additional arguments for trimmomatic Optional
read_QC_trim workflow_series String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
shovill_pe assembler String Assembler to use (spades, skesa, velvet or megahit), see "skesa" Optional
shovill_pe assembler_options String Assembler-specific options that you might choose, see Optional
shovill_pe depth Int User specified depth of coverage for downsampling (see and 150 Optional
shovill_pe disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
shovill_pe docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
shovill_pe genome_length String Internal component, do not modify Do Not Modify, Optional
shovill_pe kmers String User-specified Kmer length to override choice made by Shovill, see auto Optional
shovill_pe min_contig_length Int Minimum contig length to keep in final assembly 200 Optional
shovill_pe min_coverage Float Minimum contig coverage to keep in final assembly 2 Optional
shovill_pe nocorr Boolean Disable correction of minor assembly errors by Shovill (see FALSE Optional
shovill_pe noreadcorr Boolean Disable correction of sequencing errors in reads by Shovill (see FALSE Optional
shovill_pe nostitch Boolean Disable read stitching by Shovill (see FALSE Optional
shovill_pe trim Boolean Enable adaptor trimming (see FALSE Optional
theiaeuk_pe busco_memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 8 Optional
theiaeuk_pe call_rasusa Boolean If true, launch rasusa task to subsample raw reads to read depth of 150X TRUE Optional
theiaeuk_pe gambit_db_genomes File User-provided database of assembled query genomes; requires complementary signatures file. If not provided, uses default database, "/gambit-db" gs://gambit-databases-rp/1.3.0/gambit-metadata-1.3-231016.gdb Optional
theiaeuk_pe gambit_db_signatures File User-provided signatures file; requires complementary genomes file. If not specified, the file from the docker container will be used. gs://gambit-databases-rp/1.3.0/ Optional
theiaeuk_pe genome_length Int User-specified expected genome size to be used in genome statistics calculations Optional
theiaeuk_pe max_genome_size Int Maximum genome size able to pass read screening 50000000 Optional
theiaeuk_pe min_basepairs Int Minimum number of base pairs able to pass read screening 2241820 Optional
theiaeuk_pe min_coverage Int Minimum genome coverage able to pass read screening 10 Optional
theiaeuk_pe min_genome_size Int Minimum genome size able to pass read screening 100000 Optional
theiaeuk_pe min_proportion Int Minimum proportion of total reads in each read file to pass read screening 50 Optional
theiaeuk_pe min_reads Int Minimum number of reads to pass read screening 10000 Optional
theiaeuk_pe skip_screen Boolean Option to skip the read screening prior to analysis FALSE Optional
theiaeuk_pe subsample_coverage Float Read depth for RASUSA task to subsample reads to 150 Optional
version_capture docker String The Docker container to use for the task "" Optional
version_capture timezone String Set the time zone to get an accurate date of analysis (uses UTC by default) Optional

Workflow tasks (performed for all taxa)

versioning: Version capture for TheiaEuk

The versioning task captures the workflow version from the GitHub (code repository) version.

Version Capture Technical details

Task task_versioning.wdl
screen: Total Raw Read Quantification and Genome Size Estimation

The screen task ensures the quantity of sequence data is sufficient to undertake genomic analysis. It uses bash commands for quantification of reads and base pairs, and mash sketching to estimate the genome size and its coverage. At each step, the results are assessed relative to pass/fail criteria and thresholds that may be defined by optional user inputs. Samples that do not meet these criteria will not be processed further by the workflow:

  1. Total number of reads: A sample will fail the read screening task if its total number of reads is less than or equal to min_reads.
  2. The proportion of basepairs reads in the forward and reverse read files: A sample will fail the read screening if fewer than min_proportion basepairs are in either the reads1 or read2 files.
  3. Number of basepairs: A sample will fail the read screening if there are fewer than min_basepairs basepairs
  4. Estimated genome size: A sample will fail the read screening if the estimated genome size is smaller than min_genome_size or bigger than max_genome_size.
  5. Estimated genome coverage: A sample will fail the read screening if the estimated genome coverage is less than the min_coverage.

Read screening is undertaken on both the raw and cleaned reads. The task may be skipped by setting the skip_screen variable to true.

Default values vary between the PE and SE workflow. The rationale for these default values can be found below.

Variable Rationale
skip_screen Prevent the read screen from running
min_reads Minimum number of base pairs for 20x coverage of Hansenula polymorpha divided by 300 (longest Illumina read length)
min_basepairs Greater than 10x coverage of Hansenula polymorpha
min_genome_size Based on the Hansenula polymorpha genome - the smallest fungal genome as of 2015-04-02 (8.97 Mbp)
max_genome_size Based on the Cenococcum geophilum genome, the biggest pathogenic fungal genome, (177.57 Mbp)
min_coverage A bare-minimum coverage for genome characterization. Higher coverage would be required for high-quality phylogenetics.
min_proportion Greater than 50% reads are in the read1 file; others are in the read2 file

Screen Technical Details

There is a single WDL task for read screening. The screen task is run twice, once for raw reads and once for clean reads.

Task task_screen.wdl
rasusa: Read subsampling

The RASUSA task performs subsampling of the raw reads. By default, this task will subsample reads to a depth of 150X using the estimated genome length produced during the preceding raw read screen. The user can prevent the task from being launched by setting the call_rasusavariable to false.

The user can also provide an estimated genome length for the task to use for subsampling using the genome_size variable. In addition, the read depth can be modified using the subsample_coverage variable.

RASUSA Technical Details

Task task_rasusa.wdl
read_QC_trim: Read Quality Trimming, Adapter Removal, Quantification, and Identification

read_QC_trim is a sub-workflow within TheiaEuk that removes low-quality reads, low-quality regions of reads, and sequencing adapters to improve data quality. It uses a number of tasks, described below.

Read quality trimming

Either trimmomatic or fastp can be used for read-quality trimming. Trimmomatic is used by default. Both tools trim low-quality regions of reads with a sliding window (with a window size of trim_window_size), cutting once the average quality within the window falls below trim_quality_trim_score. They will both discard the read if it is trimmed below trim_minlen.

If fastp is selected for analysis, fastp also implements the additional read-trimming steps indicated below:

Parameter Explanation
-g enables polyG tail trimming
-5 20 enables read end-trimming
-3 20 enables read end-trimming
--detect_adapter_for_pe enables adapter-trimming only for paired-end reads

Adapter removal

The BBDuk task removes adapters from sequence reads. To do this:

  • Repair from the BBTools package reorders reads in paired fastq files to ensure the forward and reverse reads of a pair are in the same position in the two fastq files.
  • BBDuk ("Bestus Bioinformaticus" Decontamination Using Kmers) is then used to trim the adapters and filter out all reads that have a 31-mer match to PhiX, which is commonly added to Illumina sequencing runs to monitor and/or improve overall run quality.
What are adapters and why do they need to be removed?

Adapters are manufactured oligonucleotide sequences attached to DNA fragments during the library preparation process. In Illumina sequencing, these adapter sequences are required for attaching reads to flow cells. You can read more about Illumina adapters here. For genome analysis, it's important to remove these sequences since they're not actually from your sample. If you don't remove them, the downstream analysis may be affected.

Read Quantification

There are two methods for read quantification to choose from: fastq-scan (default) or fastqc. Both quantify the forward and reverse reads in FASTQ files. In TheiaProk_Illumina_PE, they also provide the total number of read pairs. This task is run once with raw reads as input and once with clean reads as input. If QC has been performed correctly, you should expect fewer clean reads than raw reads. fastqc also provides a graphical visualization of the read quality.

Read Identification (optional)

The MIDAS task is for the identification of reads to detect contamination with non-target taxa. This task is optional and turned off by default. It can be used by setting the call_midas input variable to true.

The MIDAS tool was originally designed for metagenomic sequencing data but has been co-opted for use with bacterial isolate WGS methods. It can be used to detect contamination present in raw sequencing data by estimating bacterial species abundance in bacterial isolate WGS data. If a secondary genus is detected above a relative frequency of 0.01 (1%), then the sample should fail QC and be investigated further for potential contamination.

This task is similar to those used in commercial software, BioNumerics, for estimating secondary species abundance.

How are the MIDAS output columns determined?

Example MIDAS report in the ****midas_report column:

species_id count_reads coverage relative_abundance
Salmonella_enterica_58156 3309 89.88006645 0.855888033
Salmonella_enterica_58266 501 11.60606061 0.110519371
Salmonella_enterica_53987 99 2.232896237 0.021262881
Citrobacter_youngae_61659 46 0.995216227 0.009477003
Escherichia_coli_58110 5 0.123668877 0.001177644

MIDAS report column descriptions:

  • species_id: species identifier
  • count_reads: number of reads mapped to marker genes
  • coverage: estimated genome-coverage (i.e. read-depth) of species in metagenome
  • relative_abundance: estimated relative abundance of species in metagenome

The value in the midas_primary_genus column is derived by ordering the rows in order of "relative_abundance" and identifying the genus of top species in the "species_id" column (Salmonella). The value in the midas_secondary_genus column is derived from the genus of the second-most prevalent genus in the "species_id" column (Citrobacter). The midas_secondary_genus_abundance column is the "relative_abundance" of the second-most prevalent genus (0.009477003). The midas_secondary_genus_coverage is the "coverage" of the second-most prevalent genus (0.995216227).

shovill: De novo Assembly

De Novo assembly will be undertaken only for samples that have sufficient read quantity and quality, as determined by the screen task assessment of clean reads.

In TheiaEuk, assembly is performed using the Shovill pipeline. This undertakes the assembly with one of four assemblers (SKESA (default), SPAdes, Velvet, Megahit), but also performs a number of pre- and post-processing steps to improve the resulting genome assembly. Shovill uses an estimated genome size (see here). If this is not provided by the user as an optional input, Shovill will estimate the genome size using mash. Adaptor trimming can be undertaken with Shovill by setting the trim option to "true", but this is set to "false" by default as alternative adapter trimming is undertaken in the TheiaEuk workflow.

What is de novo assembly?

De novo assembly is the process or product of attempting to reconstruct a genome from scratch (without prior knowledge of the genome) using sequence reads. Assembly of fungal genomes from short-reads will produce multiple contigs per chromosome rather than a single contiguous sequence for each chromosome.

Shovill Technical Details

TheiaEuk WDL Task task_shovill.wdl
Software code repository and documentation Shovill on GitHub
QUAST: Assembly Quality Assessment

QUAST (QUality ASsessment Tool) evaluates genome assemblies by computing several metrics that describe the assembly quality, including the total number of bases in the assembly, the length of the largest contig in the assembly, and the assembly percentage GC content.

QUAST Technical Details

Task task_quast.wdl
Software Source Code QUAST on GitHub
Software Documentation
Orginal publication QUAST: quality assessment tool for genome assemblies
CG-Pipeline: Assessment of Read Quality, and Estimation of Genome Coverage

Thecg_pipeline task generates metrics about read quality and estimates the coverage of the genome using the "" script from CG-Pipeline. The genome coverage estimates are calculated using both using raw and cleaned reads, using either a user-provided genome_size or the estimated genome length generated by QUAST.

CG-Pipeline Technical Details

The cg_pipeline task is run twice in TheiaEuk, once with raw reads, and once with clean reads.

Task task_cg_pipeline.wdl
Software Source Code CG-Pipeline on GitHub
Software Documentation CG-Pipeline on GitHub
Original Publication(s) A computational genomics pipeline for prokaryotic sequencing projects
GAMBIT: Taxon Assignment

GAMBIT determines the taxon of the genome assembly using a k-mer based approach to match the assembly sequence to the closest complete genome in a database, thereby predicting its identity. Sometimes, GAMBIT can confidently designate the organism to the species level. Other times, it is more conservative and assigns it to a higher taxonomic rank.

For additional details regarding the GAMBIT tool and a list of available GAMBIT databases for analysis, please consult the GAMBIT tool documentation.

QC_check: Check QC Metrics Against User-Defined Thresholds (optional)

The qc_check task compares generated QC metrics against user-defined thresholds for each metric. This task will run if the user provides a qc_check_table .tsv file. If all QC metrics meet the threshold, the qc_check output variable will read QC_PASS. Otherwise, the output will read QC_NA if the task could not proceed or QC_ALERT followed by a string indicating what metric failed.

The qc_check task applies quality thresholds according to the sample taxa. The sample taxa is taken from the gambit_predicted_taxon value inferred by the GAMBIT module OR can be manually provided by the user using the expected_taxon workflow input.

Formatting the qc_check_table.tsv
  • The first column of the qc_check_table lists the taxa that the task will assess and the header of this column must be "taxon".
  • Any genus or species can be included as a row of the qc_check_table. However, these taxa must uniquely match the sample taxa, meaning that the file can include multiple species from the same genus (Vibrio_cholerae and Vibrio_vulnificus), but not both a genus row and species within that genus (Vibrio and Vibrio cholerae). The taxa should be formatted with the first letter capitalized and underscores in lieu of spaces.
  • Each subsequent column indicates a QC metric and lists a threshold for each taxa that will be checked. The column names must exactly match expected values, so we highly recommend copy and pasting from the template files below.
Template qc_check_table.tsv files

TheiaEuk_Illumina_PE_PHB: theiaeuk_qc_check_template.tsv

Example Purposes Only

QC threshold values shown are for example purposes only and should not be presumed to be sufficient for every dataset.

QC_Check Technical Details

Task task_qc_check.wdl

Organism-specific Characterization

The TheiaEuk workflow automatically activates taxa-specific tasks after identification of relevant taxa using GAMBIT. Many of these taxa-specific tasks do not require any additional workflow tasks from the user.

Candida auris

Two tools are deployed when Candida auris is identified. First, the Cladetyping tool is launched to determine the clade of the specimen by comparing the sequence to five clade-specific reference files. The output of the clade typing task will be used to specify the reference genome for the antifungal resistance detection tool. To detect mutations that may confer antifungal resistance, Snippy is used to find all variants relative to the clade-specific reference, then these variants are queried for product names associated with resistance according to the MARDy database (

Default reference genomes used for clade typing and antimicrobial resistance gene detection of C. auris

Clade Genome Accession Assembly Name Strain NCBI Submitter Included mutations in AMR genes (not comprehensive)
Candida auris Clade I GCA_002759435.2 Cand_auris_B8441_V2 B8441 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Candida auris Clade II GCA_003013715.2 ASM301371v2 B11220 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Candida auris Clade III GCA_002775015.1 Cand_auris_B11221_V1 B11221 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ERG11 V125A/F126L
Candida auris Clade IV GCA_003014415.1 Cand_auris_B11243 B11243 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ERG11 Y132F
Candida auris Clade V GCA_016809505.1 ASM1680950v1 IFRC2087 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

The genes in which there are known resistance-conferring mutations for this pathogen are:

  • FKS1
  • ERG11 (lanosterol 14-alpha demethylase)
  • FUR1 (uracil phosphoribosyltransferase)

Mutations in these genes that are known to confer resistance are shown below (source: MARDy database

Organism Found in Gene name Gene locus AA mutation Drug Tandem repeat name Tandem repeat sequence Reference
Candida auris Human ERG11 Y132F Fluconazole 10.1093/cid/ciw691
Candida auris Human ERG11 K143R Fluconazole 10.1093/cid/ciw691
Candida auris Human ERG11 F126T Fluconazole 10.1093/cid/ciw691
Candida auris Human FKS1 S639P Micafungin 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2017.10.021
Candida auris Human FKS1 S639P Caspofungin 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2017.10.021
Candida auris Human FKS1 S639P Anidulafungin 10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2017.10.021
Candida auris Human FKS1 S639F Micafungin 10.1093/jac/dkx480
Candida auris Human FKS1 S639F Caspofungin 10.1093/jac/dkx480
Candida auris Human FKS1 S639F Anidulafungin 10.1093/jac/dkx480
Candida auris Human FUR1 CAMJ_004922 F211I 5-flucytosine
Candida albicans

When this species is detected by the taxon ID tool, an antifungal resistance detection task is deployed. To detect mutations that may confer antifungal resistance, Snippy is used to find all variants relative to the clade-specific reference, and these variants are queried for product names associated with resistance according to the MARDy database (

The genes in which there are known resistance-conferring mutations for this pathogen are:

  • ERG11
  • GCS1 (FKS1)
  • FUR1
  • RTA2
Aspergillus fumigatus

When this species is detected by the taxon ID tool an antifungal resistance detection task is deployed. To detect mutations that may confer antifungal resistance, Snippy is used to find all variants relative to the clade-specific reference, and these variants are queried for product names associated with resistance according to the MARDy database (

The genes in which there are known resistance-conferring mutations for this pathogen are:

  • Cyp51A
  • HapE
  • COX10 (AFUA_4G08340)
Cryptococcus neoformans

When this species is detected by the taxon ID tool an antifungal resistance detection task is deployed. To detect mutations that may confer antifungal resistance, Snippy is used to find all variants relative to the clade-specific reference, and these variants are queried for product names associated with resistance according to the MARDy database (

The gene in which there are known resistance-conferring mutations for this pathogen is:

  • ERG11 (CNA00300)


Variable Type Description
cg_pipeline_docker String Docker file used for running CG-Pipeline on cleaned reads
cg_pipeline_report File TSV file of read metrics from raw reads, including average read length, number of reads, and estimated genome coverage
est_coverage_clean Float Estimated coverage calculated from clean reads and genome length
est_coverage_raw Float Estimated coverage calculated from raw reads and genome length
r1_mean_q_clean Float Mean quality score of clean forward reads
r1_mean_q_raw Float Mean quality score of raw forward reads
r2_mean_q_clean Float Mean quality score of clean reverse reads
r2_mean_q_raw Float Mean quality score of raw reverse reads
fastq_scan_version String Version of fastq-scan software used
gambit_closest_genomes File CSV file listing genomes in the GAMBIT database that are most similar to the query assembly
gambit_db_version String Version of GAMBIT used
gambit_docker String GAMBIT docker file used
gambit_predicted_taxon String Taxon predicted by GAMBIT
gambit_predicted_taxon_rank String Taxon rank of GAMBIT taxon prediction
gambit_report File GAMBIT report in a machine-readable format
gambit_version String Version of GAMBIT software used
assembly_length Int Length of assembly (total contig length) as determined by QUAST
n50_value Int N50 of assembly calculated by QUAST
number_contigs Int Total number of contigs in assembly
quast_report File TSV report from QUAST
quast_version String Software version of QUAST used
rasusa_version String Version of rasusa used
read1_subsampled File Subsampled read1 file
read2_subsampled File Subsampled read2 file
bbduk_docker String BBDuk docker image used
fastp_version String Version of fastp software used
read1_clean File Clean forward reads file
read2_clean File Clean reverse reads file
num_reads_clean_pairs String Number of read pairs after cleaning
num_reads_clean1 Int Number of forward reads after cleaning
num_reads_clean2 Int Number of reverse reads after cleaning
num_reads_raw_pairs String Number of input read pairs
num_reads_raw1 Int Number of input forward reads
num_reads_raw2 Int Number of input reverse reads
trimmomatic_version String Version of trimmomatic used
clean_read_screen String PASS or FAIL result from clean read screening; FAIL accompanied by the reason for failure
raw_read_screen String PASS or FAIL result from raw read screening; FAIL accompanied by thereason for failure
assembly_fasta File
contigs_fastg File Assembly graph if megahit used for genome assembly
contigs_gfa File Assembly graph if spades used for genome assembly
contigs_lastgraph File Assembly graph if velvet used for genome assembly
shovill_pe_version String Shovill version used
theiaeuk_snippy_variants_bam File BAM file produced by the snippy module
theiaeuk_snippy_variants_gene_query_results File File containing all lines from variants file matching gene query terms
theiaeuk_snippy_variants_hits String String of all variant file entries matching gene query term
theiaeuk_snippy_variants_outdir_tarball File Tar compressed file containing full snippy output directory
theiaeuk_snippy_variants_query String The gene query term(s) used to search variant
theiaeuk_snippy_variants_query_check String Were the gene query terms present in the refence annotated genome file
theiaeuk_snippy_variants_reference_genome File The reference genome used in the alignment and variant calling
theiaeuk_snippy_variants_results File The variants file produced by snippy
theiaeuk_snippy_variants_summary File A file summarizing the variants detected by snippy
theiaeuk_snippy_variants_version String The version of the snippy_variants module being used
seq_platform String Sequencing platform inout by the user
theiaeuk_illumina_pe_analysis_date String Date of TheiaProk workflow execution
theiaeuk_illumina_pe_version String TheiaProk workflow version used