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Quick Facts

Workflow Type Applicable Kingdom Last Known Changes Command-line Compatibility Workflow Level
Phylogenetic Placement Viral PHB v2.1.0 Yes Sample-level, Set-level


Nextclade rapidly places new samples onto an existing reference phylogenetic tree. Phylogenetic placement is done by comparing the mutations of the query sequence (relative to the reference) with the mutations of every node and tip in the reference tree, and finding the node which has the most similar set of mutations. This operation is repeated for each query sequence, until all of them are placed onto the tree. This workflow uses the Nextstrain-maintained nextclade datasets for SARS-CoV-2, mpox, influenza A and B, and RSV-A and RSV-B. The organism must be specified as input in the field organism, and these align with the nextclade dataset names, i.e. " sars-cov-2", "flu_h1n1pdm_ha", "flu_h1n1pdm_na", "flu_h3n2_ha", "flu_h3n2_na", "flu_vic_ha", "flu_vic_na", "flu_yam_ha", "hMPXV", "hMPXV_B1", "MPXV", "rsv_a" and "rsv_b".

However, nextclade can be used on any organism as long as an an existing, high-quality input reference tree with representative samples on it is provided, in addition to other optional inputs. Contact us if you need help generating your own mutation-annotated tree, or follow the instructions available on the Augur wiki here.

Placement not construction

This workflow is not for building a tree from scratch, but rather for the placement of new sequences onto an existing high-quality input reference tree with representative samples on it. In effect, query samples are only compared to reference samples and never to the other query samples.


Terra Task Name Variable Type Description Default Value Terra Status
nextclade_addToRefTree assembly_fasta File A fasta file with query sequence(s) to be placed onto the global tree Required
nextclade_addToRefTree nextclade_dataset_name String What nextclade dataset name to run nextclade on; the options are: "sars-cov-2", "flu_h1n1pdm_ha", "flu_h1n1pdm_na", "flu_h3n2_ha", "flu_h3n2_na", "flu_vic_ha", "flu_vic_na", "flu_yam_ha", "hMPXV", "hMPXV_B1", "MPXV", "rsv_a" and "rsv_b" Required
nextclade_add_ref cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 2 Optional
nextclade_add_ref disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
nextclade_add_ref docker String The Docker container to use for the task Optional
nextclade_add_ref memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 4 Optional
nextclade_add_ref verbosity String Set the nextclade output verbosity level. Options: off, error, warn, info, debug, trace "warn" Optional
nextclade_addToRefTree dataset_tag String nextclade dataset tag Uses the dataset tag associated with the nextclade docker image version Optional
nextclade_addToRefTree gene_annotations_gff File A genome annotations file for codon-aware alignment, gene translation and calling of aminoacid mutations Uses the genome annotation associated with the nextclade dataset name Optional
nextclade_addToRefTree input_ref File An optional FASTA file containing reference sequence. This file should contain exactly 1 sequence. Uses the reference fasta associated with the specified nextclade dataset name Optional
nextclade_addToRefTree nextclade_pathogen_json File An optional pathogen JSON file containing configuration and data specific to a pathogen. Uses the reference pathogen JSON file associated with the specified nextclade dataset name Optional
nextclade_addToRefTree reference_tree_json File An optional phylogenetic reference tree file which serves as a target for phylogenetic placement Uses the reference tree associated with the specified nextclade dataset name Optional
version_capture docker String The Docker container to use for the task "" Optional
version_capture timezone String Set the time zone to get an accurate date of analysis (uses UTC by default) Optional


Variable Type Description
treeUpdate_auspice_json File Phylogenetic tree with user placed samples
treeUpdate_nextclade_docker String Nextclade docker image used
treeUpdate_nextclade_json File JSON file with the results of the Nextclade analysis
treeUpdate_nextclade_tsv File Tab-delimited file with Nextclade results
treeUpdate_nextclade_version String Nextclade version used
samples_to_ref_tree_analysis_date String Date of analysis
samples_to_ref_tree_version String Version of the Public Health Bioinformatics (PHB) repository used