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Quick Facts

Workflow Type Applicable Kingdom Last Known Changes Command-line Compatibility Workflow Level
Standalone Bacteria, Mycotics PHB v2.2.0 Yes Sample-level


The GAMBIT_Query_PHB workflow performs taxon assignment of a genome assembly using the GAMBIT task.


Terra Task Name Variable Type Description Default Value Terra Status
gambit_query assembly_fasta File Assembly file in FASTA format Required
gambit_query samplename String Sample name Required
gambit cpu Int Number of CPUs to allocate to the task 8 Optional
gambit disk_size Int Amount of storage (in GB) to allocate to the task 100 Optional
gambit memory Int Amount of memory/RAM (in GB) to allocate to the task 16 Optional
gambit docker String The Docker container to use for the task "" Optional
gambit gambit_db_genomes File Database of metadata for assembled query genomes; requires complementary signatures file. If not provided, uses default database "/gambit-db" "gs://gambit-databases-rp/2.0.0/gambit-metadata-2.0.0-20240628.gdb" Optional
gambit gambit_db_signatures File Signatures file; requires complementary genomes file. If not specified, the file from the docker container will be used. "gs://gambit-databases-rp/2.0.0/" Optional

Workflow Tasks

GAMBIT determines the taxon of the genome assembly using a k-mer based approach to match the assembly sequence to the closest complete genome in a database, thereby predicting its identity. Sometimes, GAMBIT can confidently designate the organism to the species level. Other times, it is more conservative and assigns it to a higher taxonomic rank.

For additional details regarding the GAMBIT tool and a list of available GAMBIT databases for analysis, please consult the GAMBIT tool documentation.


Variable Type Description
gambit_closest_genomes File CSV file listing genomes in the GAMBIT database that are most similar to the query assembly
gambit_db_version String Version of the GAMBIT database used
gambit_docker String GAMBIT Docker used
gambit_predicted_taxon String Taxon predicted by GAMBIT
gambit_predicted_taxon_rank String Taxon rank of GAMBIT taxon prediction
gambit_query_wf_analysis_date String Date of analysis
gambit_query_wf_version String PHB repository version
gambit_report File GAMBIT report in a machine-readable format
gambit_version String Version of gambit software used

GAMBIT (Genomic Approximation Method for Bacterial Identification and Tracking): A methodology to rapidly leverage whole genome sequencing of bacterial isolates for clinical identification. Lumpe et al. PLOS ONE, 2022. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0277575